GENEVA -- The World Health Organization estimated Thursday that 1 billion of the world's poorest people suffer from neglected
About 40 percent of people who have died of swine flu or fallen seriously ill were young and otherwise
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The H1N1 flu virus could cause up to 90,000 U.S. deaths, mainly among children and young
The World Health Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign governments and take control should
The death toll in the swine flu pandemic has passed the 1,000 mark, with 1,154 deaths since the outbreak
MANILA (AFP) - The World Health Organization on Wednesday warned Asia Pacific countries that they could be vulnerable to
ScienceDaily — Vital components of modern medicine such as major surgery, organ transplantation, and cancer chemotherapy will be threatened
COTONOU, 18 September 2008 (IRIN) - A tropical flesh-eating disease, Buruli ulcer, is spreading across West Africa and
GENEVA (AFP) - Insufficient food, climate change and pandemic flu are global crises which could unravel progress in public