On Friday afternoon, Andi Rainaldi and his wife Flarahanie sat down to a meal of fried banana with extended
The toll from an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia soared on Sunday to 832 confirmed dead, with authorities fearing
It has been called the largest mass poisoning in history. After wells were drilled in Bangladesh and the rest of
A DEVASTATING 150-foot tsunami could strike the east coast of America at any moment, a top scientist has warned. New
The massive killer tidal wave would be created by a huge slab of rock – twice the size of
Samoa has been hit by a hail storm so rare that it was believed to be a hoax by
Typhoon Malakas caused widespread disruption across Taiwan as it gave a glancing blow to the island. But the worst
BEIJING (AP) — At least eight people have been reported dead after a powerful typhoon lashed much of southeastern
A moderate earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 has struck Saitama Prefecture in the Kant? region, which includes
A Russian river located by the Arctic town of Norilsk turned bright red this week, looking more like an